Rewrite Kanbe Kotori Senri Akane Cosplay Costume Dress Kimono - icoshero
Rewrite Kanbe Kotori Senri Akane Cosplay Costume Dress Kimono - icoshero
Rewrite Kanbe Kotori Senri Akane Cosplay Costume Dress Kimono - icoshero

Rewrite Kanbe Kotori Senri Akane Cosplay Costume Dress Kimono

Regular price $86.99 $0.00

- Asian sizes;Please check the size chart below carefully before ordering:

- Japanese AVG & adapted anime Rewrite characters Kanbe Kotori/Senri Akane cosplay white dress

- High-quality fabric,smooth and comfortable

- Exquisite craftsmanship,faithful to the real character image in the game&anime

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